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One supremely disconcerting challenge revolves around the word, monogenes.
This is the only word in the ancient Greek biblical texts which bears the translation “only
begotten.”66 This term occurs nine times in the New Testament, and the translation of this
term in the Gospel and First Epistle of John form the foundation of the “begotten, not
made” doctrine. Of the nine occurrences of this term, monogenes occurs three times in
Luke (7:12, 8:42, and 9:38), but always in reference to individuals other than Jesus, and
in none of these cases is it translated “only begotten.” That alone is curious. A person
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Excessive Dogma in the Righteous Persons is the Root Cause of Infidelity of Mankind and its deviation from True Religion
The Statement of Allah the Almighty and Most Exalted: "O People of the Scripture (Jews...
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Jesus Begotten?
To create is divine, to reproduce is human. —Man Ray, Originals Graphic Multiples
Christian laity have accepted the doctrines of Jesus being of divine sonship and
”begotten, not made” for so long that these doctrines have largely fallen from scrutiny.
Until three centuries ago, dissenting views were suppressed by means sufficiently horrific
to have driven intellectual challenges underground. Only in recent times have Western
societies been freed from religious oppression, allowing a free exchange of opinions. Not
so in Muslim lands, where these Christian doctrines have been freely opposed since the
revelation of the Holy Qur’an, 1,400 years ago.
The Islamic understanding is that “begetting,” which is...
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(Allah guides whom He wills)
Allah the Almighty stated: "Verily, you (O Muhammad) guide not whom you like, but Allah guides whom He wills. And He knows best those who are the guided."
In the Sahih,...
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Virgin Birth
A baby is God’s opinion that life should go on. —Carl Sandburg, Remembrance Rock
And in the case of Jesus, a baby was God’s determination that revelation should
go on.
A few “progressive” churches have made a ruckus by questioning the virgin birth.
They shouldn’t. It happened. At least, that’s the mainstream Christian and Islamic
The Christian viewpoint is well known, although the lack of convincing biblical
detail is frustrating to many. The Islamic teaching is that just as God created Adam from
nothing more than clay, He created Jesus without biological father as a sign to the
people—a miraculous origin portending messianic status. Surah...
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The Intercession
Allah the Almighty said: "And warn therewith those who fear that they will be gathered before their Lord, when there
will neither be a protector nor an intercessor for them besides Him, so that...
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Consequently, the “Lord’s Christ” (i.e., the “Lord’s Christos”—the “Lord’s
anointed,” or the “Lord’s messiah”) list includes Saul the Christ, Cyrus the Christ, and
the many Davidic kings—all “Christs.” Or at least, that’s how the Bible would read if
everyone’s title were translated the same.
But they aren’t.
In the selective wisdom of the Bible translators, christos is translated “anointed”
in every case but that of Jesus Christ. When the word “anointed” is found in any English
translation of the Bible, a person can safely assume that the underlying Greek is the same
christos from which Jesus gets his unique label of “Christ.” This exclusive title of
“Christ” with a capital C, and “Messiah” with a capital M, is singularly impressive. In
fact, it...
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(What the Lord has said)
Allah the Most Exalted said: "Until when fear is banished from their hearts they say: 'What is it that your Lord has said?"
They say: 'The Truth, and He is the...
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The name “Christ” is derived from the Greek christos, which was subsequently
Latinized to “Christ.” The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament defines christos
as “Christ, Messiah, Anointed One.”60 A second opinion is as follows: “The word
Messiah (sometimes Messias, following the Hellenized transcription) represents the
Hebrew mashiah, or mashuah ‘anointed,’ from the verb mashah ‘anoint.’ It is exactly
rendered by the Greek christos ‘anointed.’”
In plain English, if people read the Old
Testament in ancient Hebrew they will read mashiah, mashuah, and mashah. Read it in
ancient Greek, and the above three...
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The created one could not be an object of worship
Allah the Almighty said: "Do they attribute as partners to Allah those who created nothing but they themselves are created? No help can they give them,...