As you are adding more valuable things to your worldly affairs, are you still on the same way  practicing your deen since you have become mature or you are beautifying and making advances to your Ibaadah too? Everyone wants to...

Why Hijab Is Important in Islam

Hijab, or veil, takes the center stage whenever there is battle between truth and falsehood. It has always been a sensitive issue, but it recently received a great deal of attention due to legislation and proposed legislation in several...
Whenever we daydream about Jannah, we dream about meeting the Prophet saw and living in his company. To listen to him, to watch him intently and to see him smile is something we all desire. Can we turn this...
Friday is a special day on which Muslims go to offer Jummah prayer in congregation and listen to the Khutba. Going for Jummah prayer does not mean that Muslim do not offer any other prayer in congregation, rather every...
Despite its blessedness, this season of Hajj often tends to sneak up upon us. Unlike the months of preparations that occur in advance of Ramadan, Hajj and Dhul-Hijjah preparation seem to be exclusive to those making the physical journey...
The month of Dhul-Hijjah is the 12th in the Islamic Hijrah calendar and the last month; one of the four that the Qur’an sets apart as sacred, with Rajab (seventh), Dhul-Qa’adah (11th), and Muharram (first). Allah Almighty says: “Indeed, the...
Goodness or kindness is a natural result of faith and outstanding virtues of humanity. The Arabic word that's  commonly used for goodness is (‘Ihsaan), which may stand for several meanings such as: excellence in work, charity affairs, bestowing favour,...
The Merciful Creator describes Himself in the Quran, and the Prophet has described His Lord in the Sunnah, because human intellect is limited and cannot fathom the limitless scope of the divine.  Allah tells us what is necessary for...
The Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) informed us that when the fetus in its mother’s womb is four months old, Allah The Almighty sends an angel to breathe the soul into it...
There are among mankind people who claim knowledge of the unseen and the future. They are known by various names, among which are: fortune-tellers, soothsayers, foreseers, augurs, magicians, prognosticators, oracles, astrologers, palmists, etc. Fortune-tellers use various methods and mediums...

