An Evangelist came to preach to me at  the field where I went to play soccer. I didn’t waste time in questioning him. First from the authenticity of the Bible to the crucifixion. I didn’t present myself as a Muslim at first but as a skeptical Christian.

This guy, after having no reasonable explanation for 2Kings 8 :26 and 2 Chronicles 22 :2, said “Bros, I am a babe in Christ” 😂

I said the Bible have hints that Jesus was never crucified giving him Hebrew 5:7 and merging psalm 37 :28 with Matthew 27 :46, he became dumb and I was in control, having drawn the attention of everyone present! .

I told him I was a Christian turned Muslim and I went on to give him solid reasons why I dumped Christianity. He asked, “What differentiates Islam and Christianity”?. Alhamdulillah, I started from explaining who God is in Islam using Sura Ikhlas, backing it with Deuteronomy 6 :4, Isaiah 43 :10-13..

We don’t believe in original sin, it’s preposterous, nonsensical, and unjust. We don’t worship Jesus or any other Prophet. I went on to tell him  about how sacrosanct the Quran is being void of alteration and free from corruption.

After making him reason about why we don’t need Jesus to die for us, why God should not come down to die as a sacrificial lamb for our sin, telling him about the history of the bible, the corruption, errors and contradictions, he became calm and was staring helplessly at his Bible while the audience are now sitted too, everyone reasoning and I asked, am I making sense, YES, you are was the reply.

One guy, a Pastor’s son I guess said, Mr. Man, you lied about Jesus not  being God. He quoted John 1:1 as a proof, I was about to tell him what is in the Greek lexicons when he said he hates hearing people shouting Greek, Hebrew etc…

Such is it, they don’t want their illusions and fantasies destroyed, hence not willing to listen to the truth. Fortunately for me, unfortunately for him, the guy who came to preach was holding the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION BIBLE and I confidently asked him to open John 1:1 and he read “in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was god”…. ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!, he fumed and he went away…..

I faced the preacher again telling him about melchizedek who should be the fourth God of Christians… Why is Jesus different when melchizedek has no genealogy, father and mother, when Elisha and Elijah raised the dead, multiplied foods and cleansed leprosy respectively, when David, angels were referred to as sons of God as well, when Elijah ascended to heaven and Enoch was not.

Alhamdulillah, I had quoted over 60 Bible verses and he saw struggling to quote one, you know why?, They sing more than they read.

I went on to tell him about prophet Muhammed, tracing his ancestry to Abraham, quoting Deuteronomy 18:18 and John 1;17-21 as secondary a back up. He was stunned.

Alhamdulillah, he had to go and we exchanged numbers but by then, he began become internally weak, he wouldn’t have the nerves to preach to anyone else today again. I hope to see him soon, in shaa Allah…

If we can’t convince them, they can’t confuse us….

First published: 2015. It’s been almost ten years, I never saw him again.

Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman


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