As-salaam ‘alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakaatuhu,

Sister Victoria, now Ameenah, is in need of our assistance. The only Muslim in her family, she embraced Islam and got married as a second wife to a Muslim. Trouble began when she started to wear the Jilbaab. Her husband, the other wife, and the husband’s family gave her the “you-can’t-be-more-Muslim-than-us” attitude. Things worsened when she attempted to wear the Niqab.

Sister Victoria was at our last Host A Revert During ‘Eid event, and we had the privilege of seeing the serious injuries she sustained from the other wife’s attack while the husband looked on. We have had meetings with her and the husband, and it appears the marriage can no longer work.

Sister Victoria is now back at her parents’ house as a jobless Niqabi with three children. The day-to-day persecution from her mother is saddening. She craves her own space where she can practice her religion without interference from her Christian family, who cannot help but blame Islam for her predicament.

We hope to raise the sum of #700,000 to secure her an apartment and set up a business for her.

Kindly send your donations to:

0113094562 Union Bank KnowIslam Project

Hafsah Ibrahim: +2349021800574

Mallam Ajisafe: +234 808 386 6414

Ameenah: +447424486645

Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman: +2347015779491


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