Yesterday, I and brother Ashraff Adeyemo were with some members of the Criterion Sisters. The Criterion Sisters have been seeing to the woman’s case from the onset.

Together, we went to FOMWAN’s Orphanage Home where the twins are. AlhamduliLlah, the children are healthy and beautiful. They are Abdur-Rahman and Abdur-Raheem.

Afterwards, we went to the hospital where the woman is being treated. We discussed with the psychiatrist (a sound Muslim) about her and some issues affecting the ‘Ummah. Suprisingly, the Christians have offered to help her, even inviting her to the mountain. AlhamduliLlah, the sister is better and would be discharged soon, In shaa Allah. We spoke with her and she replied coherently.

We spoke with the husband and the marriage cannot be guaranteed. If they would be back or not, this woman needs to be empowered. Kindly assist us reach our #300, 000 target by paying to;

0113094562 UNION BANK (Knowislam Project)

For more information, contact;

Alhaja Adigun (Criterion Sisters) – +234 806 6370 489

Dr. Adeyemo (FOMWAN) – +234 803 803 3257

Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman – +234 701 557 9491

Apologies if we have flooded your timeline and Whatsapp groups with this request. The urgency necessitated desperate means.

Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman for the KnowIslam Project


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