Ramadan, Diet and Health Ramaḍān presents unique opportunities to taste a special closeness with Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) and to achieve multifold ajr with every...


Abū Hurayrah (raḍiy Allāhu ʿanhu) reported that the Messenger of Allāh (sall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said: “I will be the first person to attempt...

Lagos CAN backs Ambode’s wife against sacked Pastor

The Christian Association of Nigeria, Lagos State, has defended the sacking of the Presiding Chaplain of the Chapel of Christ the Light, Alausa, Venerable...

Welcoming Sheikh Yusuf Adepoju back to Nigeria 

*WELCOMING A DA'WAH LEGEND.* And with smiling tears, We bade him farewell For he needs to spread the Divine message Enjoining what is right and forbidding what is...

When an Apologist Thinks the QURAN has Revisions or Variants… (must...

Salam alaekum everyone. It amazes me when Christian apologists get exposed on what they think they have scholarly knowledge of. Please watch the video below as...

Pastor Kisses Woman During church service in South Africa

Salam alaekum everyone. I was speechless when I saw this tending on YouTube.  I would however want to share the video here while I wait to...

Non-Muslim and fasting?; Read This

It's is very common in this society of ours, to see non-muslims fast during the month of Ramadan, either to seek personal favours from...

Human Genetics and Islam: Scientific and Medical Aspects

Salam alaekum everyone. Let me start by crediting the author of this journal The Journal of IMA Islamic Medical Association of North America Bilal A.A. Ghareeb, PhD Study Design: The...

THE SAME GOD (Allah & Yahweh)

In this 21st century, Many Christians hold the belief and doctrine that we Muslims serve the same God with them. It is expedient to highlight...


THE LAST DAY   I am the last day A day like hundreds of days A day that is unpredictable I am the day of uttermost commotion   Oh Mankind, fear...

Millions of Yemenis face hunger during Ramadan

 While Muslims worldwide celebrate Ramadan with special meals and tasty treats, millions of Yemenis are suffering from an acute lack of food as the...

Islam and the World

BismiLLAh Rahman Raheem May peace be upon you. We are going to be examining the known and unknown Vices of this world we live in and...


Culture and Islam (misconception) Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits,...


​ Allahu Akbar! The inevitable Quran differ from any other claim scriptures on earth, there is no one among these so call revelation that can be...


eNARRATE was created to educate the minds of millions of people; non-Muslims and Muslims across the world about the true message of ISLAM and...

Comparative Religion : Who is the promised comforter and a scrutiny...

  It has been a subject of discourse amongst Muslims and Christians on the COMFORTER whom Jesus(pbuh) said would come after him. Muslims have argued...

The Fasting Prophesy In The BIBLE

FASTING FROM THE BIBLE PERSPECTIVE Islamic Fasting was predicted by Isaiah in the Bible ESTABLISHMENT OF MUSLIM FASTING PREDICTED BY ISAIAH Chapter 58 of Old Testament Book...

Egypt's Sisi approves controversial NGO law

The bill restricts NGO activity to developmental and social work and introduces jail terms for non-compliance. Egyptian lawmakers have said the new law is necessary...

How the war changed Ramadan in Baghdad

How the war changed Ramadan in Baghdad Mohamed al-Azawi and his wife describe how Ramadan traditions have been affected by the ongoing conflict in Iraq. After...

What's happening in Libya today?

Elections of 2014 Frustration against the GNC was exacerbated by its refusal to step down after the mandate for their rule expired. Thousands of Libyans...