Jamiu Adegunwa uploaded a video where he apologized to the Muslim ‘Ummah for claiming he or this present generation understands some Qur’an verses than Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). According to him his intent was not to insult the Prophet which is quite understandable. In my previous article, I likened what he probably would want to convey to Maurice Bucaille’s “The Bible, Qur’an and Science: The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge”

However, Adegunwa, in his refutation seems to have identified one of his many problems which is Aadab. According to him, he is a Lagosian and unlike Preachers from other parts of the country, his method of presentation might be unorthodox. When I heard that, my questing was, “Are you the only one from Lagos?”.

When I took the Islamic Da’wah Methodology Course at IOU(as a new revert), I understood the importance of Aadab in the course of Da’wah. How come a 40+ years old man finds a justification for lack of Aadab by claiming it is on account of his environment? Is a Preacher not supposed to know better and even teach Aadab to his followers especially for someone in Da’wah?

Since it is not in our place to read intentions, clarifying what he meant by his statement should be enough for any Muslim whom he had vexed on account of his unguided statement albeit it doesn’t erase the very many heresies he had vomited.

In his apology video, he claimed that he loves the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and would never utter anything that demean him. In his explanation of how he loves and protects the honour of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), he said unlike others, he says the Prophet Married ‘Aaisha (AS) at a much older age. It is on account of this ignorant love and protection that he claims Jesus died and won’t come back because if Jesus isn’t dead but the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) died, that would mean Jesus is greater.

Ignorance and arrogance can make one take error for guidance. Adegunwa wants to be exceptional in a Deen that is perfected not knowing that Islamic Orientalism will always be in conflict with Pristine Islam.

This is the religion of Islam, we cannot claim to promote peace by allowing people misguide others and do nothing. If nobody reacted to Adegunwa’s claim of him or this present generation understanding some Qur’an verses than the Prophet, his followers will find a sense in the nonsense and will spread it.

We pray that Allah guides him to retract many of his heresies. Aameen.

Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman


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