Dear Adewale Ayuba,

My very good and humble friend. You must remember me, through me, you get to know Shade Jinadu. The last time I saw you, it was in Ojuelegba, almost 20 years or even more now when I was in Nigeria for a visit (I think 1996 or so)!

Anyway, when I heard that you have left Islam, I was very worried and disappointed that you left the religion of Isa Bin Maryam (pbuh) and joined the religion of Pa Adeboye. Pa Adeboye was not even a Christian. Why did I say this? This is because even Jesus Christ will not say “he drank tea with God!” This is a big blasphemy against God almighty. For a man, created from a stinky water, to claim such an attribute. If pa Adeboye would be in Israel, he could be facing a jail term for saying a blasphemy!

I can remember what you have gone through before you are successful in life. We were together in your hometown, Ikenne, as your struggle began. Claiming that you were struggling to pray, I want to remind you how many times you struggled to go to Hajj. Maybe two or three times?!

We know the reasons why you have left Islam! One of these reasons: 1. The most important one is the inability to pay your debts! I’m not saying anything more. You and I know very well, if a boy of 13 years can read the whole Quran of head, you as adult, a singer, a composer, a writer and a poet, can do more than that 13 years..!

You did not leave Islam because you are struggling. You have left Islam because of “worldly reasons”, and your debts are the most relevant reason. You have been given money from a man that deceived you to “if only you will accept Christianity and they have used you against Islam, but in reality you have lost your faith not against Islam or Muslim but against your very self existence!

Pa Adeboye has always won the souls because he preaches “financial miracles and worldly things” that man does not need after life. Jesus Christ was not rich. He never had two clothes and one sandal, and he never even had wealth or touch money. Remember he told…”to give what belongs to Caesar to Caesar, and to God What belongs to God.” (Mark 12:17).

Now to the trials… do you think because you’re Christian, you will not be tried? Look here, my friend, Pa Adeboye, will deceive you, he calls God almighty “my daddy, my daddy”, was he not tried? Remember, his first son died, and he couldn’t see his death coming? His daddy never showed him (pa Adeboye) that his son would die!

Even Jesus was tried; he was slapped, beating, spat at, laughed at, roamed the wilderness without food, and according to your bible, he was put on trial and finally nailed to the cross. Did you not read that in the book you claimed as your new book (1 Cor 10:13-16)? Every human shall be tried. Pa Adeboye will not tell you….he will always lie to you that his daddy loves him, but in reality, Pa Adeboye is a real enemy of God almighty. He built schools that his poor congregations cannot afford, he is claiming tithes from the poor. Do you think because of his limousine and private jets, God loves him? No, those are worldly materials. It has nothing to do with God almighty. Your soul is more important than all these worldly material things.

Do you think Jesus Christ was a Christian? Why did Jesus say in Mark 12:29, “o Isreal, the first commandment and most importantly is to know that your Lord is ONE and you must love Him with your whole heart!” One and love him with your whole heart. This is the greatest commandment. Whoever says this is an answer to know that this person is a Muslim. A Muslim means a believer, not a Christian (meaning christ-like)!

Adewale Ayuba, accept Islam for your salvation. Even if you accepted Islam, God almighty will still try you. You see, you as human, you will face trials till one lives this earth.

Peace and blessings be upon you.

Your friend,
Ameen Olorunnimbe.


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