Click here for previous session       Surprisingly, the two passages differ. The Old Testament makes no mention of 'recovering of sight to the blind' whereas Luke does, and he substitutes 'heal the broken-hearted' and 'them that are bruised' for the Old...
This is a very natural question to ask, especially since the Old and New Testaments are nearly always found, in Christian practice at least, bound together as one book. Yet it is difficult to assess to what extent Christianity...
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وحده و الصلاة و السلام على من لا نبي بعده و على آله و أصحابه أجمعين Some Islamophobes use a narration from al-Suyuti’s al-Ittiqan to insinuate as if there was a variant in Qur’an...
By Abu Amina Elias In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Islam is against all forms of racism and bigotry. Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another, or one color of skin is superior to...
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful One of the claims frequently made by anti-Muslim websites is that after Prophet Muhammad emigrated to Medina, he became a warlord and launched offensive wars against the tribes around him for...
Is Ka’aba an idol? Do Muslims worship it? Significance & History of Ka’aba   Is Kaaba an idol? Do Muslims worship Kaaba or the ‘black stone’? If not then, why do they pray or prostrate in the direction of Ka’aba in...
THE SOILED IMAGE OF 'ALFAS' By Sanni K. Yusuf I once had something to do with one of the bigwigs in southwestern Nigeria. To perfect what bonded us, we needed to have a face-to-face encounter, which made him give me an invite...

Misgoded reading continued

Click here for previous session Just as Arab Christians identify God as “Allah,” and just as the Bible employs ther royalplural both in pronouns and in the proper name Elohim, Western Christians can  adopt the same practice without compromising their creed. But faith need not depend on such issues, when there remains a more relevant point to ponder: Regardless of His name, how does God command mankind to understand Him? Understanding of God Those who agree with us may not be right, but we admire their astuteness. —Cullen Hightower   The Jewish understanding of God is relatively concrete, despite the vast differences between Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Hasidic Judaism in other matters. Throughout Judaism, the One­ness of God...

Islam and Racism (Part 3)

This universal brotherhood preached by Islam was championed by the Prophet’s Companions after him.  When the Companion, Ubada ibn as-Samit, led a delegation to Muqawqis, the Christian patriarch of Alexandria, the latter exclaimed: ‘Get this black man away from...

Islam and Racism (Part 2)

This is a continuation of the first part of the article. Here is the link to part 1 Previous: The first part centers on showing clear and logical examples of how ISLAM SAYS NO TO RACISM. However, I would continue with...

