Inna Lillahi wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’un—Indeed, to Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return.

The Muslim Ummah in Southwest Nigeria is grieving the loss of one of its most steadfast and courageous leaders, Amir Qamardeen Ajala. His life was a shining example of commitment to the call of Tawheed and the propagation of the Sunnah. His impact transcended boundaries, touching the hearts of Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

A Lifelong Dedication to Dawah

Amir Qamardeen Ajala began his journey in the early 1980s, carrying the torch of Islamic renaissance in Lagos. From his formative days with the Jama’atul Ibaadillahi Saabirin, where he earned the title “Amir,” to founding the Markaz Dawah Illallah Wasunnata Rasulihi, his unwavering dedication to the cause of Islam inspired countless souls.

His Dawah was not limited to lectures; it was a practical, grassroots movement. He entered the dark corners of Lagos Island—home to thuggery and fetish practices—armed with the light of Tawheed. Through his efforts, many thugs, idol worshippers, and the downtrodden were guided to Islam, including notable community leaders such as the Abore.

A Courageous Defender of Islam

Amir Ajala’s fearless advocacy was evident in every facet of his life. He stood firm against injustice and shirk (associating partners with Allah), even when it endangered his life. A remarkable example was his opposition to the Eyo Masquerade statue erected opposite Lagos Central Mosque. His unwavering stand against such acts of idolatry led to the removal of the statue, a victory for the Muslim community.

In another instance, Amir Ajala faced brutal opposition from the staff carriers of the late Oba Oyekan for refusing to bow to traditional practices contrary to Islam. Yet, he remained steadfast, setting a precedent for resilience and adherence to the truth.

An Advocate for Unity

Amir Qamardeen Ajala was a unifying force in the Muslim Ummah. He bridged gaps between Islamic groups, fostering collaboration among scholars and organizations upon the Qur’an and Sunnah. His 1991 program, “Unity in Diversity,” is a testament to his vision for a cohesive Ummah.

A Personal Touch in Dawah

Amir Ajala’s leadership went beyond the mimbar. He built personal relationships with his followers, offering guidance, support, and encouragement. He was a father figure to many, including those who grew up in his Madrasah. His personal interest in the welfare of his students and their families endeared him to all who knew him.

A Life of Challenges and Triumphs

Despite his immense contributions, Amir Qamardeen Ajala faced numerous challenges. Without financial sponsors, he persisted in his Dawah work, relying solely on Allah’s help. He carried the burdens of the Ummah, often at great personal cost, including the heartache of losing his beloved daughter.

A Fitting Farewell

On the day of his Janazah, the Campus Mini Stadium in Lagos was filled to capacity. Scholars, students, and ordinary Muslims from across the Southwest gathered to honor the man who dedicated his life to Allah’s cause. The turnout was a testament to his impact on the lives of countless individuals.

A Legacy That Lives On

Amir Qamardeen Ajala’s Dawah was impactful, and his legacy will endure through the countless lives he touched. His courage, humility, and dedication to the Sunnah will inspire future generations to uphold the message of Islam.

A Prayer for the Deceased

We ask Allah to forgive Amir Qamardeen Ajala, have mercy on him, and grant him Al-Jannah Al-Firdaws. May his grave be illuminated with the light of Tawheed, and may his deeds continue to earn rewards in the Hereafter.

The Ummah has lost a rare gem, but we take solace in the fact that his life was a life of service to Allah and humanity.

Allahuma Ighfirlahu warhamhu wa ajilna fi musibatinna wa akhlifna khayran minha.


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