Ma Shaa Allah, as promised!!!

About 3 or 4 years ago, I met some sects of Christians online, and interestingly, there were Islamic names attached to their names.

First was Sadiq Steve , and the other was Sadiq Ohida.

I thought they were of the same family going by their names.

They started posting a whole lot of articles, and when we confirmed them, there were no element of truth in them.

I remember, Steve once posted a story of his uncle who is an Imam been converted into Christianity with picture of a fake “Arab Man” attached.

I later find out that he (Steve) hails from Okene Kogi State which is my home too anyway.

As Allah would have it, I began to read so many blaspheming comments from these dudes.

Let me state clearly here that when someone or some people come out and say that they were Muslims, we don’t have problem with that because Allah has created paradise and Hell Fire.

So, for anyone to make paradise or hell fire, there must be hard work involved.

I know of many Ex-Christians-myself inclusive.

We don’t compare the status of Ambiya or Rasul.

We believe in all of them, their message, the grave, destiny, Allah’s Khitab, the Angles and the day of resurrection.

So, for an “Ex-Muslim” like Steve and others, their only reason for becoming Christians can be attributed to sheer hatred for the Noble Prophet Muhammad {Pbuh} who is the last and seal of all prophets, ignorance, poverty and the society they live.

Islam is not for the Arabs nor for the non-Arabs only, it’s a religion ordained by Allah for mankind.

Haven tolerated Steve and his blasphemous comments on Facebook for some times, I discovered that himself and those in his like are not ready for the truth neither do they wish to study Islam in its pure pristine nature.

They judge Islam with the action (s) of some few people who hide under the disguise of been “Muslims” to commit atrocities the same thing we have in Christendom too.

They blaspheme against Allah, they insult the noble Prophet of islam and think they have got something to upset the Muslims.

I threw Steve and Ohida out of my friends List on June 19, 2014 and since then I just pray I meet them one on one someday.

As Allah would have it, that day came and it was on a Wednesday, November 15 2017.

I met a supposed “knowledgeable Sadiq Steve at Okengwe, Okene, Kogi State., and the story was a different one.

No war, no atomic bomb detonated, no gun shots and no threat whatsoever before, during and after our meeting.

After our discussions, I realized that no one stands with Allah and fail.

I discovered that those who enjoy abusing the noble Prophet of islam have no evidence and they will continue to suffer.

I realized that Shaitan has taken over their souls completely.

Let me not bore you too much with my writings, the audio of our conversations is available via my WhatsApp portal, please request for it if interested. Simply message me on WhatsApp number: +2348039346669.


You can listen to the Audios via here;


Audio 1


Audio 2

Audio 3

Audio 4


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