It’s a hectic job to be in the kitchen cooking – an exercise that sometimes lasts for hours. This is a sacrifice every humane husband must acknowledge, even if the delicacy doesn’t come out delectable. But the woman’s effort is apparently incomplete, and may not be appreciably valued, if the food is not dished and the man served like a king.

Many women unfortunately take this with a pinch of salt. They would cook but expect their husbands to go to the kitchen to do the dishing. This may be no big deal if it happens once in a blue moon, and is voluntarily done by the man to show love or to relieve the woman of stress.

Some would cook and still take the pain to dish but the package would be with no water. If the husbands complained of thirstiness, they would tell them to go get water themselves.

Some women, painfully, see this as being taken for slavery, and any attempt to put them right usually falls on deaf ears. This matter, as pety as it seems, is capable of crashing a marital union. It fades the man’s love for the woman, and where it becomes persistent, the love may eventually die.

Nothing is more soothing to a man than returning from work with an affectionate welcome – hug, kiss and his food floating on the dining table for consumption. And in the night, he’s taken through an indellible adventure in bed.

How do you expect to be loved by a man who upon being primitively welcomed still had to journey to the kitchen to prepare or pick up his food and in the room you were sleeping or watching TV?

Try this with your husband and see some miracle happen in your union.

By Sanni Kay Yusuf


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