Earlier today, I was at the Market to get a Ram which is a donation from Lawal Foundation, Netherlands to the KnowIslam Project. After going back and forth, we started negotiating with a seller who said he wouldn't take anything...
When a Christian preacher claimed through my WhatsApp that Jesus is a son of God and asked me to proof whom his father is. I responded and I feel like sharing with others. ********************* Jesus had no father, he only had...
Whenever a christian thinks I hate them, I tell him I don't; if I hate them, I would not invite them to Islãm. Rather, I want good for them, that's the reason behind inviting them to the goodness (Islãm). Sometimes...
The BBC released a three-part documentary about TB Joshua titled, "Man of God? Or Predatory Cult Leader?". The groundbreaking investigation is a chronicle of rape, abuse, torture, forced abortions, and fake miracles performed by TB Joshua. Sadly, people continue...
The Final Saga Question 2: Did Jesus attend any church? If YES, what day did he normally attend it? And finally, which of the churches would you recommend for proper understanding of christianity as a religion? Response: Jesus actually didn't attend church according...
  A few days ago, a bank staff committed suicide, having written a note that says economic hardship is a contributing factor to her act. As usual, people reacted with the popular view, "Suicide is a permanent solution to a...
Qur'an 9:32 states, "They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it." Upon contemplation of this verse, it becomes evident that the polemics directed against Islam are...
One Angel Olaniyiolagun scornfully said Muslims hit their heads on the floor during worship. I replied, "Angel Olaniyiolagun I hit my head on the floor in the Mosque, you stamp your feet on the ground in church, no issue. On...