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SWEET HALAL LOVE By Ummu Ubaidah Penword



As the heart moves to
the rhythm of love, sweeping
away all other thoughts
and distilling every other

Make it Halal! Make it Halal! Says a voice from afar!

Even with the lustful
thought that stays as
the shadow of love,
leaving a niggling
disturbing doubts with
sounds like a muted whispers.

Make it Halal! Make it Halal! Says a voice from afar!

To love and be loved
and to beam like a pim
sunshine that streamed
the window with its
golden beams.

Make it Halal! Make it Halal! Says a voice from afar!

How will i say no to the
voice that echoes through
my mind, radiating a
quiet confidence that is
instantly appealing.

So err on the side of
caution and make ur love
Sweet and Halal

© Ummu Ubaidah Penword

THE GALE OF MUSIC. By Sanni Kay Yusuf


Once I lived in a community. In front of my residence was an open field where football play and social events were in vogue.

One Saturday, while a funeral was rockily going on and musical sounds were hitting us hard in the head, I stepped out of the house for a fundamental obligation. Involuntarily, I spotted rejoicers dancing profusely in their own pool of sweats. At some point, the lyric changed and the dancers did the unprecedented. Very awful sight! Men and women, boys and girls were seen facing one another in twos miming to the vulgar-song. I couldn’t believe that humans (among whom were fathers, mothers, grandparents etc.) could be so insensitive that such “pack of rubbish” could be demonstratively danced to, in broad daylight light, for that matter, and in full glare of minors.

It was Wasiu Ayinde Marshall mentioning raw, the human genitals and how they are inserted into each other in bed. My ears were blown out as I astonishingly listened to the corrupted and corruptible sociopath. I could not but call the attention of a neighbour to the highly satanic nonsense. And I was told that the song had been released a long time before then. “Really?” I marvelled. He was so surprised that I didn’t know.

What is left of morality if such trash thrives in our society? Alhaji, for that matter! Shioooor!

Once I journeyed in a commercial vehicle for a crucial cause. Everyone was forcefully, unavoidably entertained with different musical albums – fuji, hip-hop etc. And the volume of the car stereo was on a deafening bass. To have myself consoled of the persevered discomfort, I turned on my phone data to romance with friends on social media. In a short while, I heard: “E ma ni problem o. O ma ni problem o. A ma ni problem o. Emi ati’e ma ni problem.” Fellow passengers who seemed to be relaxedly glowing in the flow of the frenzy also considered the song unworthy of a serene atmosphere. “Iwo lo maa ni problem!” the curse instantly returned.

The likelihood of the above is the day’s order in this age. Say something, just anything (reasonable or preposterous), align it with danceable beats, you will become a quick hero with innumerable fans, and the young ones will enthusiastically yearn and crave to be as such. That is the dilemma of the time. The popular musician who adds no value to the society is considered a celebrity.

Our minors, the teens – the supposed morrow stars – have been irredeemably corrupted. Now that a 5-year old boy will face a girl of his contemporary and demonstratively sing: “sare wa gba cucumber; a ni mo ni o wa je banana”, is the society not doomed? Is our future not in gloom. Any assurances of moral boom? Aren’t we apparently living in a dreadful, deadly den?

Despite the obvious anomalies that come with music, people still passionately embrace it. The videos say it all. Partakers smoke marijuana; dancers dress lunatically etc. Aren’t these enough a reason to be rational and trash the triumph of the gale of music?

وَالشُّعَرَاءُ يَتَّبِعُهُمُ الْغَاوُون. أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّهُمْ فِي كُلِّ وَادٍ يَهِيمُونَ. وَأَنَّهُمْ يَقُولُونَ مَا لَا يَفْعَلُونَ.
As for poets, they are followed ˹merely˺ by deviants. Do you not see how they rant in every field? Only saying what they never do. Q26 V224-226

What to expect when a christian apologist confesses

Smelling lies

The piece you are about to read are not my words, but a word for word transcribed of an acclaimed Christian Apologist, Simon Barminas. This Christian Apologist was caught in the act!

For those that were opportune to witness one of our Ramadan Public lectures held in Abuja, Nigeria, you will remember this same Simon Barminas who changed from Desire Barminas to Simon B. Waziri on Facebook just to deceive the look warms

At Gwarimpa, Abuja-Nigeria , he was seriously humiliated and refuted.

And after being thoroughly refuted, he has been so restless, disturbed, worried, sorrowful, sad, mourning, groaning, crying, etc and been looking for ways to make up for the intellectual mayhem he suffered

Yet he never got any positive result as Allah kept exposing him.

At a point in time, he sent a spy to Eneye Ahmad’s WhatsApp group, “Who deserves our worship” where they copied Muslim Brothers and Sisters Phone numbers and added them to a satanic and blasphemous group without their consent

In that group, they do nothing but abuse insult, blaspheme Islam, Prophet Muhammad and the Muslim Ummah in general

Now, after being caught on several occasions thereafter, by Allah, he was frustrated to the extent of destroying the group himself

You can now listen to him on how he began to confess and expose himself on how deceptive, malicious, satanic, wicked, and gullible he is.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, read the transcript of Simon’s confession and get the audio on our WhatsApp portal:

“Salaam Alykum. Alhaji Adepoju Yusuf, Eneye Ahmad Jamiu Emma, Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman , Muhammed, Nafeesat and all the members of Acadip.

May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon you all

I really want to apologize for my actions on whatsApp.

What I did was wrong and completely wrong. And I seek for all of your forgiveness, to forgive me for all my actions.

First of all for telling one of my boys to go to Eneye’s group in

WhatsApp to copy some of the Muslims Brothers and Sisters numbers which he did.

That was wrong and completely wrong. And I want to ask Eneye Ahamd Jamiu Emma to forgive me for that action.

I also want to apologize to Muhammed I’m very, very sorry my brother for what I did, for the way I talked to you on whatsApp.

I understand that what I did was wrong and I use another person’s name to deceive you and lie to you, the name John.

I am very, very sorry for that I sincerely apologize. And also I want to apologize to Nafeesat the Muslim sister which I lied to and use the name Ibrahim, ex Muslim my sister is sincerely apologize from that and I apologize to all of you Acadip members whom I have maybe wronged in one way or the other.

I’m very, very sorry for that. I was the one who used the name John and also the name Ibrahim and I should sincerely apologize for that.

And I want to say that my faith had nothing to do with my actions. What I did was wrong I was completely wrong, I lied to you guys I used deception, I used every means to get you guys and talk to you guys, that was wrong and that is not the way we Christians teach our own faith, and that is the reason why I am apologizing to all of you to forgive you for my actions.

Maybe you might ask what is really the reason why I have to go this far and do all these things, you might ask is that the way we Christians preach our own gospel.

Is that the way they go about deceiving people, changing names and all that? I want to say no, capital no! we Christians don’t do that. I want to say that my actions have nothing to do with my faith and I’m very, very sorry for doing that.

And the reason why I acted the way I did was because I was angered by the way Alhaji Yusuf Adepoju go around confusing our young Christians brothers and sisters using the Bible to confuse them and asking them to accept Islam. That was one reason why I got angry and I went this far.

And also, another reason is because of the way Yusuf Adepoju go around insulting the Bible, saying all manner of bad things about the Bible just to make the bible look bad and make our young Christians who don’t understand the bible very well to accept Islam. And I have watched the videos where he insults not even my own Bible, but his own creature.

He insults his creator, he insults the Bible, he insults everything about Christianity. We Christians, we don’t use Quran to propagate religion by condemning it, by doing all manner of evil things just because we want to get people to accept our own faith.

And it is very unfortunate that the Muslim scholars, most of them cannot go without attacking the Bible even in the Mosque they go on attacking the Bible, calling us Kafurs, calling us all manner of names just because of our faith and our believe

I will tell you that a Christian Pastor will preaching his own message without attacking any faith and he will get converts who will accept Jesus as their personal lord and savior. And also I want to implore Mr. Yusuf Adepoju, the Qur’an say that you should go and ask the Christians if you are in doubt about anything, you should go and ask the Christians and Jews if you don’t understand anything about the previous revelations which is the Torah and the Injeel.

Please I want to tell all the member of Acadip that this is a command by Allah that they should go and ask the Christians so that they will be cleared on anything they don’t understand about the Injeel, and it is in the Qur’an, and that is command by Allah.
The Qur’an never said that you should attack previous revelations.

The Qur’an never said in any place that the Bible is corrupt, and that the bibles have contradictions, variations and what have you.

You Muslims, you were the one who were accusing the Bible of that, the Qur’an completely gave a full support to the Bible by confirming it and Allah promised to guide and save it from any corruption.

And it is quite unfortunate that Muslims today attack the Bible, crucify the bible, say all manner of evil things about what Allah promised to guide, what Allah promised guide, what Allah promised to save, what Allah promised to preserve. It is quite unfortunate.

And I also want to plead Mr. Yusuf Adepoju, please Mr. Yusuf, and give the Christian apologists the opportunity to debate with you. Don’t go around confusing the young Christians who are not knowledgeable enough about the bible.

Give the Christian apologists who study comparative religion the opportunity to debate with you, to dialogue with you, to discuss with faith you and allow the people to judge, and allow the people to decide on their own

What really prompted my action to use another person’s name, to use so many deceptive ways to do all these things is never and never; let me say it has nothing to do with my faith.
It was pure anger!

The anger of not allowing Christians opportunity to debate with you!

The anger of how you criticize the bible ignorantly!
The anger of how you convert our young Christians to your religion!

Mr. Yusuf Adepoju, I want to say that I don’t hate you and I don’t hate any of your members. I am a Christian, I was taught to love and to care. I love all member of Acadip with all my heart.

I have no grudge against anyone. What I did was wrong and I sincerely apologize for that.

Thank you all for listening. My name is Simon Barminas. Thank you. God bless you all”



The Bible was propagated with lies. He lied, confessed and still lied in his so-called confession!

The Church and Speaking in Tongues: Glossolalia or Xenolalia By Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman

What the Bible says about speaking in tongues

Previously, we have published papers on the Church and contemporary doctrines. For example, a careful study of Jesus Christ would bring one to the conclusion that Jesus of the Bible is different from Jesus of the Church. Today, let us talk about speaking in tongues, Glossolalia or Xenolalia?


In general coming from the Greek, “glossolalia” can refer to 1) speaking in either a variety of different languages or 2) speaking in incomprehensible sounds/gibberish/non-real languages.
Specifically, “glossolalia” in common English properly refers to 1) making noises, including bodily noises, sighs, moans, etc., or 2) speaking in gibberish/non-real languages


“Xenolalia” refers to speaking in many real languages. In apostolic times, this would refer to having an infused gift/learning of a language/number of languages (see Acts 2). In current times, “xenolalia” refers to the ability to learn foreign languages; some individuals learn non-native languages with ease while others struggle/find it impossible. Those who find it relatively easy/accessible are said to have the gift of “xenolalia.” It can be considered a subcategory of the general term “glossolalia,” but for specific usage, “glossolalia” and “xenolalia” denote two different things.

Gingrich, F. Wilbur. Shorter Lexicon of the Greek New Testament. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1983
“Glossolalia” and “Tongues, Gift of” in Catholic Biblical Encyclopedia: Old and New Testaments, John E. Steinmueller and Kathryn Sullivan, (New York: Joseph Wagner, 1956), 258-9 & 635-6.
wiktionary.org. (Credit: http://kindsoftongues.blogspot.com)

In this paper, we are comparing the Biblical concept of speaking in tongues with that of the church today. Felicitas Goodman studied a number of Pentecostal communities in the United States, the Caribbean, and Mexico; these included English, Spanish and Mayan-speaking groups. She compared what she found with recordings of non-Christian rituals from Africa, Borneo, Indonesia and Japan. She took into account both the segmental structure (such as sounds, syllables, phrases) and the supra-segmental elements (rhythm, accent, intonation) and concluded that there was no distinction between what was practised by the Pentecostal Protestants and the followers of other religions. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossolalia)

In the new testament, the first account of speaking in tongue was recorded in the book of Acts. We read from Acts 2:5-12

5 At that time devout Jews from every nation under heaven were staying in Jerusalem. 6 So when this sound occurred, a crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in his own language.

Here, the disciples were speaking in tongues “being filled with the holy spirit”, they were speaking in different languages they never used to know. We read further,

7 Indeed, they were utterly amazed and said: “See here, all these who are speaking are Gal·i·leʹans, are they not? 8 How is it, then, that each one of us is hearing his own native language? 9 Parʹthi·ans, Medes, and Eʹlam·ites, the inhabitants of Mes·o·po·taʹmi·a, Ju·deʹa and Cap·pa·doʹci·a, Ponʹtus and the province of Asia,10 Phrygʹi·a and Pam·phylʹi·a, Egypt and the regions of Libʹy·a near Cy·reʹne, sojourners from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Creʹtans, and Arabians—we hear them speaking in our languages about the magnificent things of God.” 12 Yes, they were all astonished and perplexed, saying to one another: “What does this mean?”

This is Xenolalia. The disciples spoke different languages but not gibberish, not what no one on earth can understand. We will focus on the fourteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians as Paul tells us what speaking in tongue is and how it should be. We read,

5 I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, but I would rather have you prophesy. The one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless someone interprets, so that the church may be edified.

6 Now, brothers and sisters, if I come to you and speak in tongues, what good will I be to you, unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or word of instruction? 7 Even in the case of lifeless things that make sounds, such as the pipe or harp, how will anyone know what tune is being played unless there is a distinction in the notes? 8 Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?

If the one speaking in tongues speaks jargon and gibberish, of what use is it?

9 So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air. 10 Undoubtedly there are all sorts of languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning. 11 If then I do not grasp the meaning of what someone is saying, I am a foreigner to the speaker, and the speaker is a foreigner to me.

Look at Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches today, which people in the world speak languages they speak when they speak in tongues?

18 I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. 19 But in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue.

Stop some pastors today, what they do first is speak in tongues, ask them to interpret, they say you don’t have the holy spirit.

20 Brothers and sisters, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adults. 21 In the Law it is written:

“With other tongues
and through the lips of foreigners
I will speak to this people,
but even then they will not listen to me,
says the Lord.

Here, Paul was quoting from the book of Isaiah 28:11-12. A foreign tongue, not what no one in the world understands.

22 Tongues, then, are a sign, not for believers but for unbelievers; prophecy, however, is not for unbelievers but for believers. 23 So if the whole church comes together and everyone speaks in tongues, and inquirers or unbelievers come in, will they not say that you are out of your mind?

27 If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret.28 If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and to God

Meanwhile, the verse below should be noted by Christians,

34 Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

In conclusion, speaking in tongues in the Bible was more of Xenolalia than Glossolalia. Today in the church, speaking in tongue is not different from Charlie Charplin’s (as Adenoid Hynkel) rubbish speech in The great dictator or his rubbish song,

Se bella giu satore Je notre so cafore Je notre si cavore Je la tu la ti la twah. La spinash o la bouchon Cigaretto Portabello Si rakish spaghaletto Ti la tu la ti la twah (In Modern Times)

Bashir Lucas Samson Lukman

Update on Trans-Amadi Mosque Demolition – NSCIA


The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs has issued a press release on the alleged demolition of the Trans-Amadi Mosque in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Below is the press release;


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The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) under the leadership of His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, CFR, mni., wishes to inform the Muslim Ummah in particular and all Nigerians in general that, right at the time the news broke on the purported demolition of the Trans-Amadi Mosque in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, the position it took has been the one enjoined by the Qur’an in Verse 6, Chapter 49, that, “Believers, when an ungodly person brings to you a piece of news, carefully ascertain its truth, lest you should hurt a people unwittingly and thereafter repent at what you did”. The NSCIA refrained from making a public statement on the matter until it was done with its investigations and findings. These are still going on and contacts and talks are being made on the matter at the highest levels. However, the deluge of reactions and counter reactions and the emotions, sentiments and heat generated thereby have made it necessary to make a public pronouncement on it. So far, as its investigations proceed and as issues around the matter continue to unfold, the Council is only further being convinced and satisfied that the position it has taken is surely the rightful and most appropriate one.

In the first instance, the Council hereby states categorically that, unless it is based on mutual understanding and for the purpose of an agreed upon public interest and common good (maslaha) the demolition of a place of worship ( synagogue , church or mosque) is certainly provocative, condemnable and unacceptable under whatever guise. As it were, it has the potency of generating hate, hostility and even violence in the society. It is, therefore, not surprising that the Trans-Amadi Mosque issue has generated a great deal of tension and unprecedented hostile exchanges in the mainstream and social media. In this regard, the Council hereby calls upon Muslims to continue to exercise restraint and to avoid taking laws into their hand while it handles the matter and prosecutes it to its logical conclusion.

While this Press Release was not meant to divulge to the public the findings of the investigations of the Council, it is pertinent to state here that so far, it has become clear that the best way to resolve this matter is through high level dialogue and consultations which the leadership has been doing for the past several days. It is on this note that the Council calls upon all parties, stakeholders and interest groups involved in this matter to avoid making public pronouncements that will keep on heating the polity thereby generating avoidable tension and fears in the country.

Finally, the Council wishes to further assure the Muslim Ummah that it will go to any length and will never relent in pursuing the matter and ensuring that it is resolved peacefully and just-fully. We pray unto Allah that as we enter the New Islamic Year peacefully so shall it continue to be up to its end and even beyond.



May Allah make it a very prosperous year full of divine blessings and grace from Him. He is the Most Gracious, Most Praiseworthy.


Prof. Salisu Shehu

Deputy Secretary-General



This book is the Introduction to the classical work on the Maliki Fiqh written by Abu Muhammad, Abdullah ibn Abī Zayd al-Qayrawānī also called Mālik Sagīr (little Imam Malik) due to his vast knowledge of the Deen and majorly on the maliki School of jurisprudence at a very young age. It was recorded in books of history that this book was written when he was just 18 years old. The book is called ar-Risalah which means a letter. It was a response from his friend who wrote a letter requesting ibn Abī Zayd to write back to him in summary the matters that are obligatory upon him in the Deen from the Aqeedah aspect, to the Ibadah aspect, the transactional aspect, the Obligatory, the recommended, the prohibited and the detested matters in the Deen based on the Maliki school of Jurisprudence.

The author (Rahimahullah) wrote as an Introduction – a 4 page treatise, encompassing creedal matters from the top to the bottom. For someone to be able to summarize Aqeedah into just 4 pages all of the points in it are supported with evidence from both the Qur’an and Hadith which are the two sources where we can get our Creed from.

The introduction, so rich that hundreds of pages were written to unlock the deep and sound information embedded in it. From those who wrote a commentary on it is the Muhaddith of Madinah, Shaykh al-‘Allāmah Abdul Muhsin al-Abbād al-Badr حفظه الله, called قطف الجنى الداني في شرح مقدمة ابن أبي زيد القيرواني, also his son, Shaykh Abdur-razaq ibn Abdilmuhsin bn Abbād al-Badr did a commentary on it and other scholars from past and present. All the commentaries mentioned here are for the introduction to the book alone which is relevant to our believe system and Creed in general.

This copy of the book has in it the commentary of Shaykh Ahmad bn Yahya an-Najmī Rahimahullah (d. 2008) which in similarity to the two works mentioned above, is a sufficient commentary on the treatise in the absence of none.




Every man desires a brand new lady for a spouse, even though they may be as guilty as who they despise. Every man wants a virgin for a wife, even though they might have had many girls deflowered while they were in the pit of filths drowned. He who seeks equity, they say, must come with clean hands. If you were a sinner before matrimony, you should be less passionate about having a saint for a partner.

From my little experience arbitrating in marital disputes, especially among young couples (like us), I have come to the conclusion, and of course, consequently recommend that issues relating to virginity be extensively discussed between would-be spouses before conjugal knots are tied. This is necessary to nip in the bud the brouhaha that is today rearing its ugly head. The man, for me, should have a fair idea of the state of the lady’s hymen before being licensed to ply that road of honour.

In my opinion, the man should initiate the discussion, as the lady may not have the panache to lay it bare, even if the area of honour is still honeying. The lady, too, should open up however the circumstances surrounding the matter. If she is virgin, her tongue should have it expressed with pride. If otherwise, it should be soberly, expressly stated with a synoptic explanation into why her would-be man would not be the first to open her down. There is no need lying about that. Tell him! Heaven will not fall. If he makes a u-turn as a result, know that he isn’t your pre-destined man. Yours will look for you even if you are stalled in the deepest cave.

Where the man isn’t showing any curiosity with respect to the subject matter, the lady, for the lofty sake of her future, should summon the courage to throw up the issue for discussion. It’s not easy but that’s the best. She should tell him, expressly albeit soberly. This is what will thwart him from the “had I known…” syndrome that is worryingly rampant today.

Marrying a virgin is physiologically better than getting hooked to a non-virgin. Virginity fosters love between spouses. The woman is automatically held in high esteem. A man who truly knows how uneasy it is to be chaste, these days, will forever appreciate the diamond he has acquired for himself. In fact, the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘aleihi wa salaam) encouraged us men to be desirous of ladies who are sexually untouched and intact. Brother, go for your goal and enjoy your life.

However, virginity is just one out of the too many things needed of a woman. Whoever is married to a non-virgin and is privy to the issues surrounding the loss should take fate and move on with his union. If the woman isn’t attitudinally bankrupt, she will apparently make a soothing wife, mother, friend, partner, lover etc.




In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All the cardinal doctrine of Christianity that is rejected by Islam and the
controversy about the personality of Jesus Christ (May peace be
upon him) is the major difference between Islam and Christianity.
The trinity, the Divine Sonship of Christ, Original Sin, and a
torment which these dogmas are the result of over-exhaling Jesus
Christ above what Allah wants him to be.

The title” The Bible led me to Islam” by Br M.J.LeBianc, ails at
presenting a true picture of these doctrines to a true truth-seeker.
By reading this compiled research book corresponds to the
conviction that the more scientific and biblical studies advance.
The more the scholars and thinkers, who are still within the fold
of Christianity, will agree with Islam. This book should prove to
be a very valuable asset for both Muslim and Christians, and will
be an effective tool for Muslim propagator in our efforts to invite
the Christians to Islam, God willing conversely, Christians should
become more aware of what in fact the Bible says and what Jesus
son of Mary (May peace be upon him) actually taught, as a result of studying this book.


continue reading



By Sanni, Kay Yusuf

Who would grow up in core Mushin town, Lagos Island, Agege, Somolu, Ikorodu (such as Itunmaja, Itaagbodo, Ladega, Itunla, Obun-ale, Ajina, Old Aga, Ijomu, Ota-ona, Itaaro etc.) without having a sorry tale to tell? It takes Allah’s benevolence to scale through becoming a teen-mother or aborting a baby(ies). Those girls who survived the aforementioned would hardly scale through losing their virginity to vanity. It was the norm of the time.

That was the life lived by many until Allah’s guidance walked up to them and they became righteous. They regretted their past and moved on with their lives; after all, sinners had been assured forgivess on sincere repentance. This is enshrined in the Qur’an thus:

(وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَدْعُونَ مَعَ اللَّهِ إِلَٰهًا آخَرَ وَلَا يَقْتُلُونَ النَّفْسَ الَّتِي حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ إِلَّا بِالْحَقِّ وَلَا يَزْنُونَ ۚ وَمَنْ يَفْعَلْ ذَٰلِكَ يَلْقَ أَثَامًا)
(يُضَاعَفْ لَهُ الْعَذَابُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَيَخْلُدْ فِيهِ مُهَانًا)
(إِلَّا مَنْ تَابَ وَآمَنَ وَعَمِلَ عَمَلًا صَالِحًا فَأُولَٰئِكَ يُبَدِّلُ اللَّهُ سَيِّئَاتِهِمْ حَسَنَاتٍ ۗ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ غَفُورًا رَحِيمًا)

“They are those who do not invoke any other god besides Allah, nor take a human life—made sacred by Allah—except with legal right, nor commit fornication. And whoever does any of this will face the penalty.”
“Their punishment will be multiplied on the Day of Judgment, and they will remain in it forever, in disgrace.”
“As for those who repent, believe, and do good deeds, they are the ones whose evil deeds Allah will change into good deeds. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Q25 V68-70).

When it got to my knowledge that some men bank on their wives’ past misdeeds to talk them down during trade of words, I felt bad, pitiful and disappointed that Muslims could be that petty and saucy. It was said that such men are usually quick to call their wives unprintable names that reflect their past. I wonder what those sanctimonious elements would say of some sahabiyyat if they had lived in the era of the Prophet.

How dare one abuse one of a sin she had been forgiven by her Lord! What if she is not to Allah what you think she is? And does it even make any sense that your own wife – mother of your child(ren) – is being dragged in the mud and reduced to nothing like a prostitute?

If your wife was no virgin when you married her. That might be because of the kind of life she was exposed to at young age. If she had regretted, repented and refrained from the act, why make her remember what she is still struggling to put behind her?

Such an act is symptomatic of an irresponsible man who deserves no good woman for a wife. Even if his wife were married a virgin, he would still puncture into another past of hers to hit her hard. Oniranu agba ti o t’ole!

What You Should Know About Tashabbuh: Imitating The Disbelievers. Lan Rey Hassan


What You Should Know About Tashabbuh: Imitating The Disbelievers.

Death, sadness and lingering debates among Muslims; only a few things are as certain as these.
In light of the recent hurry-scurry caused by some certain articles that made the rounds on the issue of birthdays and ‘imitating disbelivers’, here is a compendious list of a few things to know about the issue of Imitating disbelivers in Islam.

First: The hadith
Most important is knowing that the cornerstone of the arguments of those who are strictly against imitating disbelivers in any way is the hadith in which Ibn ‘Umar (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“He who imitates any people (in their actions) is considered to be one of them.”
Related by Abu Dawud and Ibn Hibban graded it as Sahih.
(Book 16, Hadith 147, Bulugh Al Maram)

Second: The quick guidelines

Imitation of the Kuffaar is basically divided into two parts:

Firstly. Imitating disbelivers in acts they engage in as forms of worship or religious acts. (which they expect divine reward for)

An example of this is the cross which is used by Christians to show solidarity with a ‘god’ who was nailed to the cross; Apparently, this is not the place to discuss stupidity embedded in the belief.
Another example is the white flannel gown often worn by faithfuls of the Celestial church of (sighs) God to inform others of the religious circle they belong to.

In matters like these, which are not only associated to a group of disbelivers but to their beliefs and religions, then there is consensus among the scholars that the intention of one who imitates disbelivers in these matters, be his intention as pure as honey or as adulterated as, he will be held accountable for this.

Summarily: In matters which are associated to their religion or worship, we need not ask about the intention of one who imitates them before reprimanding him for that; and it does not matter whether or not this act has become so populrized that it no more can be said to be symbolic of the disbelivers.
For example, if the cross were to become so voguish – may Allah forbid – that it is no longer enough a symbol to determine a Christian, then it still would remain prohibited, because its origin is rooted deeply in their religious beliefs.

2. Imitating the disbelivers in acts which are not related to their religions, but which were started amongst people known to be predominantly non-Muslim

An example of this is eating on tables, wearing of fez caps, t-shirts, or the conventional schooling setup. In each of these cases, it should be noted that none of these had a religious origin, as none of these things were invented either to segregate themselves religiously or to appease or thank a certain god.

In cases like these, the general guideline depends on whether:

The act is still predominantly only done by these set of people, such that if one is randomly seen engaging in such acts, he is naturally classified as one of those who invented the act.

A good example of this is dying a small part of the hair and leaving the rest undyed; this is symbolic of – if you are in Lagos – those we know as ‘Awon omo wobey’. If you’re non Lagosian, please do with ‘area boys, or bad boys.’
This is so commonplace among them that if one were to enter a mosque with such hair, he would – depending on the mosque – either be bundled out, or given a warm embrace for making the time out of his busy schedule as an NURTW agent to pray.

These sorts of acts, although naturally untalked about in Islam, and non-religious, will still be categorized under tashabbuh bi- NURTW: imitating ‘Agbero’s’. As for whether it is wrong to imitate ‘Agbero’s’ that is not my place to discuss.
But it should be known, that were the ‘Agbero’ to be replaced by ‘disbelivers’ then certainly, the act would become prohibited.

As for acts – such as dying the beards in general- which are emphasized in Islam, even if disbelivers take after us in them, then there would still be no harm in it because Islam established it before them.

2: The matter has become so populrized that it can no longer be used as a means of identifying disbelivers.

A case of this is t-shirts nowadays; one can no longer assume, just by seeing someone put on a t-shirt, that such person is a believer. In a situation like this, it will be permissible, though not preferred, for muslims to engage in such acts too.

Something to note here though, is the fact that those who engaged in those acts before it became popularised enough to become Halal would not go unpunished; but for those who take to the acts after they have become popular enough to not be perceived as symbols through which disbelivers can be recognized, then those ones are not to be criticised.

*Imitation Varies From Place To Place

What could be termed ‘imitation of women’ or ‘imitation of Kuffaaar’ varies from place to place.
In Igbo states for example, where men are often known to ‘flaunt’ wrappers, then it would not be termed imitation of women; but for an American – apparently on a supplement of weed – to think it would be right for him too to decide to wear a wrapper around would be classified as imiatating women. So it is for imitating disbelivers too.

Finally, Quick links
Even if an act has become so populrized that it can no longer be used as a symbol for disbelivers, and it is yet, not a part of their religion, there are still some more guidelines to be wary of.

1.The imitation must not be with what has to do with their celebrations or felicities.
2. The imitation must not be in things which have been earlier prohibited in Islam; such as choosing a specific day to repeatedly celebrate a certain thing apart from the five days Allah has granted us for Eid.
3. Imitating them should be for a specific and reasonable purpose which should not be transgressed.
That is: it should not be done ‘just because they are doing it’.
For example: one may argue that putting on t-shirts makes one more free to roam about, especially for one who was raised in western circles. One may argue that fez caps have the advantage of protecting one’s identity over other caps.

Lan Rey Hasan @ Knowislam.com.ng
