Even if we are not on the same page religiously, we shouldn't hide the truth from each other. Who Jesus Christ is and who he is not is that thick line that differentiate a Muslim from other adherents of other...
The piece you are about to read are not my words, but a word for word transcribed of an acclaimed Christian Apologist, Simon Barminas. This Christian Apologist was caught in the act! For those that were opportune to witness one...
Previously, we have published papers on the Church and contemporary doctrines. For example, a careful study of Jesus Christ would bring one to the conclusion that Jesus of the Bible is different from Jesus of the Church. Today, let...


Click here for previous session       Muslims admit that prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was a human being. It is not unnatural for a man to fall in love. The fact that he is a prophet does not rob him of his natural...


A friend of mine shared me a weak and enfeeble claim among the paltered claims of the Christian critic, written to cajole the weak Muslims. These claims are so weak that the critics failed to produce evidences to buttress...
In an article I wrote, titled "A Rejoinder to A Message For The Muslim Bible Warriors", I cited what is below to portray how we Muslims have misplaced our priorities;   "So, if all comparative lecturers are to be blamed for...
Once I told someone, "getting immensely rich is not a big task if I were to capitalize on the gullibility of people when it comes to religion". I said that making reference to my encounter with a bike man...
  I was shocked when I received the messages in the screenshots attached to this article yesterday. Shocked not just because he is a revert but also that, he was among those that hosted me in Abuja when I went...

And the Promise of Allah is True!

AlhamduliLlahi Rabbil 'Alameen. ACADIP NIGERIA successfully held a reception for over 400 reverts to Islam, awarded some personalities that have contributed immensely to the growth of Islam and also a convocation for AICOS'  students in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria....
Anyone conversant with the media should be well acquainted with the fact that the West is really trying to rob Muslims off anything good about Islam then define what they think is bad in Islam, give it their own...