Lately, Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah has been waging a relentless propaganda war clearly aimed at sowing seeds of division and strife, either between Christians and Muslims or between northern and southern Nigeria. It is either you see him blowing...
Some days ago, the story of a 'Muslim' lady, who, on Twitter said she hid the Bible for 6 months to read and that there is something about it that gives her peace, went viral. This story, like many...
Praise be to Allah (Subhana wa ta’laa), the Lord of the worlds and the Creator of all that exist. Allah says in the glorious Qur’an, “And who is more unjust than one who invents about Allah untruth while he is...
So, a picture (that led to many pictures) surfaced online generating lots of comments and arguments. A baker had delivered a cake to a client. This cake was designed, not just in the shape of the Qur'an, but also...
We seek refuge in Allah from shaytan, the rejected. In the name of God. the Most Beneficent , the Most Merciful. Whoever is guided by Almighty God , no one can Misguide him and surely, whoever is misguided no...
Previously, we have published papers on the Church and contemporary doctrines. For example, a careful study of Jesus Christ would bring one to the conclusion that Jesus of the Bible is different from Jesus of the Church. Today, let...

Who was "that prophet" John 1:19-21?

  In the New Testament, we found out that the Jews were expecting the fulfilment of the prophecy "ONE LIKE MOSES" in Deuteronomy 18:18. When Jesus (pbuh) claimed to be the Messiah of the Jews, the Jews began to enquire as...
Okay, let us agree to disagree with the omnist that no religion has exclusivity to the truth, that attention should be paid to the common truth and ignore the differences though each claims to be from God yet God...


A friend of mine shared me a weak and enfeeble claim among the paltered claims of the Christian critic, written to cajole the weak Muslims. These claims are so weak that the critics failed to produce evidences to buttress...
All praise and adoration is due to Almighty Allah, the cherisher and sustainer of mankind, we send blessing upon the noblest of all mankind and the seal of all prophet Muhammad, his household, companion and the entire ummah upon...