Who Is in Charge at Home?

This is question that poses itself in an atmosphere where people have turned away from Allah The Almighty, and among families that do not know anything about Islam except its name and do not know anything about the Quran...
What is the best solution when a married couple faces marital problems and conflicts? Contrary to popular practice, divorce or threatening a spouse with divorce is not the right solution. The best solution is patience, endurance and realizing that it...
A book, Perfect Madness by Judith Warner, published by Riverhead Books, tells us that during her research, Warner discovered that: ·        “Seventy percent of American moms say they find motherhood today ‘incredibly stressful.’” ·        “Thirty percent of mothers of young children reportedly suffer from depression.” In...
Question: My husband is a doctor. I have a son and a daughter. My husband earns enough to fulfill our needs properly and is also able to save his earnings. He provides money for necessary needs of the family for...

Marriage Is Not a Life Sentence

All the FOUR daughters of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wassalam had to return back to their father's house at some point in their marriages, He welcomed them back with open arms, listened to their plights and resolved it. Many...
Question: Many of my friends have married Christians and Jews. I was always told a Muslim should only marry a Muslim. What is the correct Islamic position on marrying a Christian or a Jew? Answer: In the Name of God, Most Merciful,...
Happiness is the paradise of dreams that all people ‎long for, but the question that has perplexed humanity since ancient times is, “Where is happiness?” Many people have searched for it in the wrong place and returned with broken hearts,...
He said he was coming in ten minutes’ time. Ten minutes pass, half an hour, an hour, and then he shows up. The wife: "You said ten minutes, and I have been waiting here for an hour." The husband: "Forgive me, there was...
Like the woman values caring and may unapologetically flee her marriage if not lovably cared for, so the man cherishes respect and may unrepentantly send his woman packing if not lovably accorded what he loves. Respect for the man requires...
Marital happiness resembles the honey produced by two bees; the greater their efforts are, the sweeter it will be. There is ‎no doubt that marital happiness is the ‎responsibility of both spouses and this necessitates the existence of ‎love...