Unthinkable and unbearable, a shock and grief which is too hard to bear. Why? In the midst of multitude growing, you came in to sail their smile away. Why? Even with the unwelcomed gestures you found your way in oh heartless visitor! Why? Forcing the reality of your existence into...
When we convey The Message Of Islam to them, they laugh and act like there is nothing as take. But they fail to realize that the only chance they have is that they are still breathing. Allahu akbar!!! The moment the soul...

Weakness or Equality

In the name of Allāh, all praise belongs to Allāh, an may his peace and blessings be upon his final Messenger Muhammad, sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) When a person attempts to imitate another person, he or she normally believes internally that...
  POLYGAMY In the Yoruba land today, many are products of polygamous homes. Six of every ten polygamous marriage are tales  of woes, tears, pains, death and sorrow.   If the Iyale is not after the Ìyàwó, it would be the other...
AlhamduliLlah! Lucas Bashir is Back! Alive! Recovered! Healthy! (6-8-2017) Backstage: Where do I start? Please, give me the microphone, let me shout! Okay, sit down, tell NEPA, the light should not go off. Engineer, no noise. Camera man, the camera...


YAWM AL-QIYAMAH ( ﯾﻮﻡ ﺍﻟﻘﻴﺎﻣﺔ) Once I saw a 10yrs old boy playing, he intended to throw a ball to his friends but the ball hit...
    Last week, Sister Somuyiwa Azeezat was gruesomely murdered at school in Ibadan, Oyo State. One of her recent Facebook posts got us reflecting on the Dunya. This beautful reminder from our sister is being shared to remind us of...
Earlier today, I went for physiotherapy. I left the clinic then went to the car park within the hospital's premises so we had to wait for other passengers. The driver pleaded that I should go to the front of the...
Sacha Baron Cohen may be very nasty but he is one of those actors who satires depict his knowledge of the society he lives in. He understands the politics, the ideologies, the propaganda, etc. The advent of Social Media has...
KAAFIR!!! KAAFIR!!! KAAFIR!!! (Salafists without Salafs) One who does not know about Islam  would think that Da'wah is about  declaring people to be  non-Muslims. The way some people go about Da'wah today, one would think that they earn rewards based...

