British Pop Legend Cat Stevens, who converted to Islam many years ago and since then has been called Yusuf Islam, caused a big fuss in the media during a visit to Turkey. One of the journalists from the Turkish news...
SLANG AMONG MUSLIMS, PERMISSIBLE OR NOT? “He does not utter a statement except that there is an observer by him ready to record it.” SubhanALlah... Dwelling on the topic of discussion, putting the above verse as a 'companion' will greatly...
Christians boast of peace to their neighbors but we have seen documents, audios and videos from Pastors, Bishops, Evangelists, and Christian apologists that carry messages of hate against Muslims. If Pastor Oyedepo is not calling for the blood of people...
 UMAR MITA:FIRST MUSLIM TRANSLATOR OF THE QUR'AN TO JAPANESE   Umar Mita, the first Japanese Muslim translated the Holy Qur’an to Japanese language. HIS BIRTH Haji Umar Mita (His Japanese name is Ryoichi Mita) was born on 19 December 1892 in a...


Who was "that prophet" John 1:19-21?

  In the New Testament, we found out that the Jews were expecting the fulfilment of the prophecy "ONE LIKE MOSES" in Deuteronomy 18:18. When Jesus (pbuh) claimed to be the Messiah of the Jews, the Jews began to enquire as...
Islam is not an inherently violent faith, but it has been exploited by extremists who have twisted the verses to suit their political goals. Muslims need to confront these extremist interpretations and reclaim Islam. We need our own enlightenment. Extremism is...
Dear Hijabi Slayer, How are you? I pray for ALlah's mercy upon you as well as His guidance. I have been meaning to send you a letter for a while but, I do not mean to 'offend' you. Then, I...
Religion in Africa seems to be practiced differently from other continents, no thanks to the high rate of poverty and a lack of education. However, other continents, even the so-called first world nations have had their share of religious...
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Man is a worshipper by nature; worship is instilled in him. So either he will worship the creator (Allah) alone, with no partner or associate, or he will worship something other than Allah, alongside Him, or...