After an exclusive teaching-learning with some senior students on Descriptive Essay, they were saddled with a feedback assignment on the topic: "My Favourite Teacher". That gave all of them the opportunity to write about me, and their description of...
People talk of the ember-months as though they were originated by the Lucifer. They are scared of them, and consequently have others scared with unpleasant tales of auto-crash that had happened in them. For this reason, some do away...
The woman fasts - obligatorily - as done the man. She unavoidably halts the sweetening flow of her sleep while the husband kingly floats on the bed snoring euphorically. In sleepiness - yawning and staggering - she proceeds to the...
A man informed his wife of his desire and readiness to bring in the second queen. The woman disagreed outright and vowed to do worse than shaytān if he tried it. The matter degenerated such that they could not...
It's barely December and we've started having a feel of its yearly hit - noise here and there, including sounds so dearing to shaytan. The one who is cacophonously hitting up our neighborhood with music in the name of festivity...
Some of our women take off the niqāb when they get divorced by their husbands or become widowed by destiny. This act, unfortunately, makes one wonder for whom their faces were veiled ab initio - Allāh (their Creator) or...

FIDAU By Sanni Kay Yusuf

An aged woman passed on. Circumstantially, burial rites could only be done the next day. Only a few were seen gathered for the last spiritual respect she deserved. The rows of lovers who prayed unto the lifeless body were...
MY SUNNAH STORY (13) BY SANNI KAY YUSUF Agege was the base of my in-laws, and given the envisaged calibre of clerics therein as told by madam, my mind wasn't at rest as to the officiating of the nikaah. I didn't want...
A man ran to the imām very shortly after Salātul Jumu'ah. He requested his arbitration into the skirmish between his two wives whom he had tactically brought to the masjid. The said man just got a thāniyah and his...
INTERCOURSE IN RAMADAN: FINE OR FILTHY? By Sanni Kay Yusuf Intercourse with one's spouse before dawn has no negative effect on one's fast. In fact, the couple may bed each other to their best after suhur - before Fajr. But doing so...