O L O P A A! By Sanni Kay Yusuf

One of our fathers in the mosque who made the last Hajj narrated to us the touching story of a high-ranking retired police officer. The officer was seen crying profusely in Makkah. Compassionate onlookers probed into why tears was gushing...
After an exclusive teaching-learning with some senior students on Descriptive Essay, they were saddled with a feedback assignment on the topic: "My Favourite Teacher". That gave all of them the opportunity to write about me, and their description of...
I have written to the sentiment of men. I have lost count the number of articles I have rolled out in our favour. Turning the page overleaf to the plights of our counterparts should be no cause for alarm....
Like the man is naturally polygynous, the woman is naturally monogamous. She is apparently jealous and meticulously protective of her marriage from being enjoyed by another woman. She loves her husband so much that she doesn’t want anyone come...
While the woman is urged to be gladly receptive of the other queen in the palace, the man is admonished not to be engulfed in the thaaniyah's love at the expense of the uulaa. As it was ab initio,...
A woman, sometime ago, was aggrieved that her husband wasn't helpful at home. As a result - and coupled with some other issues - she became cold towards her partner and their rosy union got shattered to pieces. On intervention...
We've seen, and we keep seeeing hijab donned on mini-skirts, leggings, pencil jeans and all sorts of wears that are only suitable indoor or underneath a covering piece of cloth. Some wear theirs on long but tight-fitted gowns/skirts such...
If there is any disease more terminable than ebola, it is that of the mind, such as jealousy, hate for no tenable reason, and of course, suspicion - interpreting an action beyond the intent of its actor. Suspicion is when...

FIDAU By Sanni Kay Yusuf

An aged woman passed on. Circumstantially, burial rites could only be done the next day. Only a few were seen gathered for the last spiritual respect she deserved. The rows of lovers who prayed unto the lifeless body were...
By Sanni Kay Yusuf If anyone would talk ill of the MSSN, definitely not me - a beneficiary of its milky honey! That was the grass I paddled on to the grace I am currently footed. MSSN picked me up from...