MY SUNNAH STORY (7) BY SANNI KAY YUSUF One quality I hereditarily picked from my dad was boldness. Dad could confidently, conveniently speak the truth to a despotic ruler (however vampirous he might be) not minding that he could end up in...
MY SUNNAH STORY (Part 3) By Sanni Kay Yusuf Given my passion for Sunnah and my all dedicated to da'wah, I shouldn't do less than an all-covering hijabi. I knew it and I was convinced beyond doubts that, that was the way...
MY SUNNAH STORY (Part II) BY SANNI KAY YUSUF While winding down university education, dad kept echoing to my subconscious that I should consider no "masquerade" for a wife. Subhaanallaah! How on earth would a human born of a woman find bliss...
MY SUNNAH STORY (Part 1) BY SANNI KAY YUSUF I was born into a family where paganism reigned supreme among kindred, even those who laid claim to Islam were pagans by association. They were usually seen partake in fetish family and communal...
INTERCOURSE IN RAMADAN: FINE OR FILTHY? By Sanni Kay Yusuf Intercourse with one's spouse before dawn has no negative effect on one's fast. In fact, the couple may bed each other to their best after suhur - before Fajr. But doing so...
"IF YOU HAD TOLD US WHOM YOU WERE..." By Sanni Kay Yusuf As soon as the day broke - immediately after Salah - we set out to visit a hospitalized friend. We were all dressed down since our destination was within the...
RAMADĀN AND ZINA-MATES Every year, as Ramadan approaches and/or while it is ongoing, certain questions crop up from muslims, one of which is: “Can I cook for my boyfriend?” Or “Can I take foods prepared by my girlfriend for suhur and...
The woman fasts - obligatorily - as done the man. She unavoidably halts the sweetening flow of her sleep while the husband kingly floats on the bed snoring euphorically. In sleepiness - yawning and staggering - she proceeds to the...
We are locked down. We are hungry. We close our eyes but catch no sleep. There is heat caused by incessant power outage. Our bodies aren't looking good as before; they've been overridden by irritating, debilitating rashes. The sounds...
He would mercilessly beat his woman at the slightest provocation. He is a hefty man with a fat palm, so I could imagine the heaviness of his blow on the vulnerable woman. Sometimes she would get defaced with the...