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Imam Sanni K. Yusuf's blog

I do not bow, neither do I prostrate to mum and dad. While the former is a Muslim, the latter isn't yet. May Allah grant my wish on him. That's one of the reasons mum never wanted me on the...
RAMADĀN AND ZINA-MATES Every year, as Ramadan approaches and/or while it is ongoing, certain questions crop up from muslims, one of which is: “Can I cook for my boyfriend?” Or “Can I take foods prepared by my girlfriend for suhur and...

FIDAU By Sanni Kay Yusuf

An aged woman passed on. Circumstantially, burial rites could only be done the next day. Only a few were seen gathered for the last spiritual respect she deserved. The rows of lovers who prayed unto the lifeless body were...
When a Muslim parent hears a child sonorously recite the Qur'ān and/or eloquently speak in Arabic, the interest to have his own child(ren) do same is usually birthed. He would consequently want his child on a similar pedestal but...
It's an open secret that sisters crush on du'āt (callers to the path of Allāh: imāms, alfas, preachers etc)! Abi who no like better thing? After all, men too love what is good. We love beauty, radiance, elegance, exquisiteness,...
A man informed his wife of his desire and readiness to bring in the second queen. The woman disagreed outright and vowed to do worse than shaytān if he tried it. The matter degenerated such that they could not...
It's show of immaturity and extreme villainy to punish the woman with starvation. Such tyranny will not quell but fuel the quarrel that might have led to the wickedness. The man too is not to be starved of sex...
On a Saturday morning she was delivered of a bouncing baby girl, and indelible indeed was the nine-month rigour of pregnancy and the one-day labour ordeal. A few days later, the husband announced Sunday (the 7th day) as the...
He is, in my arguable opinion, a thorn in the flesh of fetish fellows who parade themselves as clerics. Many, especially those in diaspora who had for long been trapped in their siege and vampiric den, have now become...
A man approached me after Salāh on a Jumu'ah day to inquire about the permissibility or otherwise of ẹ̀wààbejì (beans for a set of twins). That just reminded me of how, long time ago, women used to flood the...

