As-salaam 'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu, As part of our mission to tell the Muslim story, the KnowIslam Projects is glad to announce that we are creating a database for Islamic Schools in and Iʿtikāf centres in Nigeria. The database will be...
At the time of this writing, people are angrily condemning rape following the rape of some females. A different opinion gets you the "Rapist" label. This article is written for academic and moral purposes without the fear of being...
It was Salāh time. The boy nearest to the mic - as habitual of me - was charged with the iqāmah. His corresponding countenance depicted rejection but I rather looked away. So he could not but do it as...
So, I stopped this bike man to take me home not knowing that I would have the opportunity for a last minute Da'wah for the year 2019 of the Gregorian Calendar. We passed by a Masjid I avoid as much...
With no thanks to the media and its yellow Journalism, the Conspiracy Theory has emerged as a cultural phenomenon in the 21st century. Perhaps, it would not be extremism if we say conspiracism has become a religion in our...
  The Prophet Mūsa and his people had gotten to a dead end. In front of them was a sea they could not cross; coming from behind was the force of Pharaoh. Mūsa and his people were in the same situation,...
A CALL FOR ADVERTS This is to inform the Muslim Ummah, that, the 3rd Edition of AL-MUBALIGH MAGAZINE will be released on the 12th of January, 2020 at the 25th Anniversary of ACADIP NIGERIA. The last Edition of this Magazine was...
Assalamu alaykum! You've been reading literary works from secular angles, what about reading works from established and growing Muslim writers from the Islamic perspective? We made a call for submission and we received quite a number of entries. The top...
This essay is a report of the negative attitudes of the Yoruba towards Muslim names and their holders. In spite of the seriousness and sacredness attached to names by Islam, some uncultured individuals among the Yoruba have resorted to...
The major discourse on the point of Islamic education opposites the western idea of schooling as it is evident that both method of schooling has diverse goals, and this shows plainly that they are not equivalent. It resembles contrasting...