Islam and Racism (Part 3)

This universal brotherhood preached by Islam was championed by the Prophet’s Companions after him.  When the Companion, Ubada ibn as-Samit, led a delegation to Muqawqis, the Christian patriarch of Alexandria, the latter exclaimed: ‘Get this black man away from...
This is a very natural question to ask, especially since the Old and New Testaments are nearly always found, in Christian practice at least, bound together as one book. Yet it is difficult to assess to what extent Christianity...
A Former Catholic Missionary Finds the Truth in Islam   The nuns looked so clean and smart in their starched white habits.  They looked like the saints in the pictures that hung on the wall of every classroom that I dreamed...
I was at Ibadan Civic Centre, Idi-Ape Iwo-Road Ibadan for the Walimatul Nikkah of our brother & sister Adebayo Ajibosin & Kareemat Abdulwahab on the 23rd of December 2017 and exactly 2:03pm, I saw a banner which says "You...
In name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. Peace and blessings of Allah (SubhanaHu wata'aalaa ) be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and his followers to the day of reckoning. The verse in question is; "O...
It is adorable to see people who acclaimed themselves as intellectuals and brains ridicule the bench and trade mark of intellectualism. More so, when the arrogant intellectualism is paraded by atheists. The self-acclaimed loud speaker of atheists and atheism in...
﷽ ??????❗❗ BEHOLD, the count down begins! It's just 12 days to go......... Alhamdulilahi; To ALLAH be the Glory, Everything is now perfectly set to organise A-DAY "Power-Packed" OPEN-AIR LECTURE! ACADIP DA'WAH TRAIN OF SALVATION will "in-shaa-Allah" ARRIVE IKORODU on Sunday 4th June, 2017!!! However,...
Mr. X: You this Mallam and your beards ehn! Me: You love it, don't you? Mr. X: I mean, why can't you just shave it and look clean? Me: Oh! I don't know what you mean by clean though but I am...
Assalam alaekum everyone,   Please watch the video till the end and please share your comments.     Funsho Animashaun
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله وحده و الصلاة و السلام على من لا نبي بعده و على آله و أصحابه أجمعين Some Islamophobes use a narration from al-Suyuti’s al-Ittiqan to insinuate as if there was a variant in Qur’an...