So, today, I met a Christian apologist who said Jesus was crucified. Then he quoted this verse to justify his claim, "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is...


Salam alaekum everyone. Last week, I published an article and I vowed to write another topic titled WHO WAS ON THE CROSS if the article gets 5000views. Wallahi we are almost there. See Below: Today, permit me to say I have met Jesus....


Long but worth reading... just be patient till the end... TITHE is old LAW not compulsory by MONEY.: Pastor Jones jailed for telling members to tithe 10% of their incomes. Courtroom exchanges between a Judge of the Law and Pastor Jones. The...

The Religion Of Abraham

THE RELIGION OF ABRAHAM And who would be averse to the religion of Abraham except one who makes a fool of himself. And We had chosen him(Abraham) in this world, and indeed he, in the Hereafter, will be among the...
More than two millenia ago, a miraculous baby was birthed in the city of Bethlehem. A great relief; a new preacher was born. He called people to leave sin and repent. He called people to the oneness of God....
PROOFS THAT THE TORAH HAS BEEN CORRUPTED. PART 2 CONTRADICTIONS Even if we could somehow resolve the problem of which version of the Torah is authoritative, we would still have the problem of contradictions within the text. Here is one example: It...
Yesterday, A Babaláwo was dispossessed of his charms and embraced Islam following series of admonitions. Brother Abdulganniy Olaide Ezra wrote; "Yesterday. Allah's destiny came to passed as He guided back this lost servant and he became Sakariyyah. Allohu Akbar!!! " Verily...
MODAKEKE BREAKS RECORD AS 82 CHRISTIANS PUBLICLY EMBRACED ISLAM!!!   (…as ACADIP crushes the Siege of Spiritual Canvassers) Allahu Akbar !!! Allahu Akbar !!! It was not less than Eighty-two (82) Christians and a “Free-thinker” that publicly embraced Islam at the 2-Day Open-Air Lecture,...
AposTEVIL Paul versus Jesus Paul contradicted Jesus.. 1. On the time of the coming of the Lord: Paul says: Rom.13 the night is far gone, the day is at hand. Jesus says: Luke.21 Take heed that you are not led astray; for many will come...


AICOS SPECIAL REGISTRATION OFFER This is to inform the Muslim Ummah, especially those willing to enroll in ACADIP Institute of Comparative Religion Studies, AICOS, that Registration begins on the 14th of January 2018 for Q1-2018 February-April Academic Session. Registration Fee would...