It's a hectic job to be in the kitchen cooking - an exercise that sometimes lasts for hours. This is a sacrifice every humane husband must acknowledge, even if the delicacy doesn't come out delectable. But the woman's effort...

The Blessing of being Pregnant

Once a woman has confirmed her pregnancy, she should express her gratitude before Allah Ta’ala as this is indeed a great bounty of Allah Ta’ala. This is such a boon that many people beseech Allah Ta’ala throughout their lives...

Women before and after Islam

Women in pre-Islamic civilizations Throughout the human history prior to Islam, women have been victimized and made to suffer too much. They endured unbearable deprivation, sorrow and oppression in all past civilizations. In other words, they were treated as if...
All the FOUR daughters of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wassalam had to return back to their father's house at some point in their marriages, He welcomed them back with open arms, listened to their plights and resolved it. Many...
All praises and adoration belong to Allah. I begin with His name, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful. Shall I remind myself and us all that our purpose in life is to worship Allah. As He, The Most High had said that...
The woman – like the man is accountable for her actions, and is obligated in the religion with duties which she is to fulfill, this can only be done upon the basis of having knowledge of such obligations, it...
Shaikh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) said: “Those who say that Islaam oppresses the woman have erred very much and have made a great mistake. For indeed it is Islaam that has been just towards her and elevated her status,...
Shaikh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) said: “Indeed the Muslim woman has an elevated position in Islaam, as well as a great influence in the life of every Muslim. Since she is the initial school in establishment of the righteous...

50 Facts About Your Wife

Women are a special creation of Allah. The Prophet has enjoined men to be kind towards their wives, and knowing the following facts about your wife will make you well in this respect. 1- Your wife is not perfect, forgive...
Since we are on the path to developing greater righteousness and a better level of faith, let us consider some important points and. explain some important concepts and constants, then – Allah willing – we will state together the...