Time To Rise "Say no to rape, say no to rape!" but you cannot hold yourself from watching pornography when the urge overcomes you, yet, you feel you would be able to hold yourself when you see a 'free practical'...
Sacha Baron Cohen may be very nasty but he is one of those actors who satires depict his knowledge of the society he lives in. He understands the politics, the ideologies, the propaganda, etc. The advent of Social Media has...
At the time of this writing, people are angrily condemning rape following the rape of some females. A different opinion gets you the "Rapist" label. This article is written for academic and moral purposes without the fear of being...
I took a trip to the Land of Succes;. It wasn't a distance, yet it took years. It rained all night, and the weather was dry; The sun was so hot, I nearly froze to death. I saw with titles, seven doors; And labelled...
The concept of Feminism is a contemporary ideology that posits itself as a protector of the rights of women. However, the concept goes beyond what it claims to preach on the surface. Unfortunately, many women, old and young, religious...
About a decade ago - at the early stage of my union to Queen Rasheedah - I fell ill and was eventually diagnosed of appendicitis. Without ado, perhaps as symptoms were worryingly and scarily manifested, I was recommended for...
As religious as Nigerians are , we are also very wonderful. Even though the outbreak of coronavirus is not the first time Nigeria will experience such a dreadful outbreak. Ebola came, Lasa did, but it is the first time...
Fake news, sensationalism and half-researched reports are challenges facing  our society today. The idea of shaving the beard for protection against the COVID-19 is making rounds on the Social Media, especially in Nigeria. This safety measure attributed to the Centers...
On the Coronavirus being a punishment fkntjejr government's atrocities towards the Muslims issue, I think I have been very apologetic on my opinion on the issue as a respect to people who have a contrary opinion. Unfortunately, this contrary...