Don’t talk in the toilet the spirit are listening,



The toilets are dirty place no matter how clean and neat they are,



Hidden places for evils,



In the olden days, toilets are built behind the houses or perhaps in the bushes,



The spirits are listening, don’t talk in the toilets,



We are the sum of experiences that we encounter as we go through life,



Don’t talk in the toilet the spirit are listening,



Day to day struggles and triumphs are experienced by all of the world’s creatures,



The spirits are listening, don’t talk in the toilets,



There are evil things going on there, even though it is now built inside,



As human beings, when we encounter a challenge, we have freedom to choose how to react,



Don’t talk in the toilet the spirit are listening,



Every decision that we make leads us down a different road,



Hard or soft decisions, the roads are rough and stoney,



“A Yoruba adage says “eyin enkunle lota wa iwaju ile laseni ngbe”,



Meaning: the enemies are at our backyard but the evil doers are at the front,



Don’t talk in the toilet the spirit are listening,



We will never come to exactly the same crossroads,



Every decision that we make has significance in our lives,



Don’t talk in the toilet the spirit are listening,



The tiniest choice that we make reverberates throughout the entire universe.



Don’t talk in the toilet the spirit are listening,



The toilets are dirty place no matter how clean and neat they are!





Credit : Ameen Olorunimbe


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